Uploading Image in Ajax style with Rails + jQuery.upload

On my way writing Kcanvas, a web app that provides a user a huge canvas to put fragments of information in daily life, I wonder how can I realize Ajax style file upload. Javascript can not deal with local files.

There is a simple jQuery plugin "jQuery.upload" to realize Ajax style file upload. This plugin works quite well.

If you use this plugin with Ruby on Rails, don't forget to send authenticity_token together otherwise the session expires ...

$('#imageUploadButton').click(function() {
	var csrf_token = $("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content");
		{'authenticity_token' : csrf_token},
		function(res) {

<input type="file" name="upload" />
<input id="imageUploadButton" type="button" value="Upload" />

On the server side, you can receive the data like this:

file = params["upload"]		
ext = File.extname( params["upload"].original_filename.to_s)
filename = File.basename( params["upload"].original_filename.to_s, ext).to_s.gsub(/[\.\s ]+/,"") + ext
File.open("#{TEMP_FILE_DIR_IMAGES}/#{filename}", "wb"){ |f| f.write(file.read) }

Happy coding :)