
Managing multiple environments of an app on Heroku with EGit

I installed EGit Eclipse plugin. I'm happy to have a GUI for Git :) Setup: Git UI Plugin "EGit" for Eclipse - aki noteThe next step is to manage multiple environments of an app such as dev/test/production. An entry proposes a solution. It'…

Setup: Git UI Plugin "EGit" for Eclipse

For Bioddicted web app dev project, I was looking for a git UI for eclipse. Yey, there it is! EGit :)Eclipse Git Team Provider - eclipse.org Launch eclipse Menu [Help] -> [Install New Software] Add EGit repository by [add]. In add Reposito…

Setup Redmine 1.3 on Heroku

I set up Redmine 1.3 on Heroku today. Since I stuck in some points, I leave a memo :) ■ Download Redmine Download - Redmine ■ Create a repository & init it > cd [redmine dir] > git init □ Edit .gitignore > vi .gitignoreDelete the line "/co…