Setup: Git UI Plugin "EGit" for Eclipse
For Bioddicted web app dev project, I was looking for a git UI for eclipse. Yey, there it is! EGit :)
Eclipse Git Team Provider -
- Launch eclipse
- Menu [Help] -> [Install New Software]
- Add EGit repository by [add]. In add Repository window, name the repository such as "EGit", input the repository url "" If you see "Duplicate location" error, the repo has already been added to your repository list. Click [cancel] on Add Repository window. Click [Available Software Sites] link. Check "Eclipse Git Plugin Update Site" (or the url) and click [OK].
- Select Eclipse Git Plugin Update Site as "Work with:" on "Install" window
- Check "Eclipse Git Team Provider" and "JGit" then click [Finish]
Git operation such as commit, push, pull etc can be done with UI. Here are some screen shots.
# log appears on console is red but don't worry! the app successfully deployed on Heroku.
Enjoy happy coding :)