Kcanvas - a canvas for comfortable and playful personal information management

I've been developing a web app named "Kcanvas" as part of my doctoral study. It provides a huge canvas so that you can manage your vague fragments of interest intuitively by arranging their places wherever you feel comfortable. No stress of verbalization. You don't have to describe why you are interested in it.

How does Kcanvas handle privacy? You may want to make your canvas private when you use it as your TODO list or just a random collage of bare fragments of interest. On the other hand you may also want to share part of it. It's possible to keep your canvas private and share part of it on Kcanvas. Select information you want to share from your canvas and make a semi-public or public story.

I have a feeling that many of web apps encourage us or sometimes force us "make information public" or "share it now". But we don't want to share everything. We, or at least I, want to share informative something, rather than showing off our interest or happiness. I wanted to take care an ambivalent feeling "I want to share but not all".

I'm happy to receive your feedback to Kcanvas itself and the concept behind of it.