How to access data on Zanox from Ruby code

I've joined Bioddicted team since last autumn. On my way implementing Bioddicted web application, I wrote some Ruby code which accesses data on Zanox.

I know it's a super niche topic but it's better not to share it ;) Let me start from introducing what Zanox is. Zanox is a popular affiliate provider in Europe.
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The same as other affiliate providers, Zanox also provides APIs for dealing with data on Zanox. And ... there is a Ruby client library!

But unfortunately the library doesn't work well probably due to a SOAP module the client library uses ;) So, I decided to write a simple code using their REST API. There are two main methods: 1. create a signature to access data on Zanox and 2. get data with the signature. Here is the code:

■ Method 1: create a signature

def create_zanox_signature( http_method, sig_path, time_stamp, nonce)
  string2sign = http_method + sig_path + time_stamp + nonce
  signature = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC::digest(, ZANOX_SECRET_KEY, string2sign)).chomp
  return signature

■ Method 2: get data

def get_sale_items( signature, time_stamp, nonce, target_date_str)
  http ="")
  request_url_path = "/json/2011-03-01/reports/sales/date/#{target_date_str}?connectid=#{ZANOX_CONNECT_ID}&date=#{CGI.escape(time_stamp)}&signature=#{CGI.escape(signature)}&nonce=#{nonce}"
  request =
  response = http.request(request)
  result = response.body
  numItems = JSON.parse(result)["items"]
  if numItems > 0
    return JSON.parse(result)["saleItems"]["saleItem"]
    return nil

■ Main

  # prepare values
  target_date_str = "2012-03-30"  
  sig_path = "/reports/sales/date/#{target_date_str}"
  time_stamp ="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT").to_s # format: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 08:17:35 GMT
  nonce = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(( + rand()).to_s)[0..19]
  signature = create_zanox_signature( "GET", sig_path, time_stamp, nonce)

  # get sales data from Zanox  
  sale_items = get_sale_items( signature, time_stamp, nonce, target_date_str )
  puts sale_items.to_yaml

That's all :) Happy coding!

# The same thing can be done for example for lead data just by replacing the sig_path in main to "/reports/leads/date/#{target_date_str}".