4 movies I watched in this week / 今週見た映画を4つ!

I watched 4 movies this week :-) I like "Something's Gotta Give" the most. It's a happy and funny movie. And "The Last Station" told me an unknown aspect of Tolstoy and encouraged me to try his novels again.

ジャック・ニコルソンダイアン・キートンの「恋愛適齢期(Something's Gotta Give)」がいちばんよかったかな。たくさん笑える楽しい映画です。ロシアの文豪トルストイの晩年を描いた「終着駅(The Last Station)」は、トルストイのイメージが180度変わって、彼の作品を読んでみようと思うよいきっかけになりました(^^)結婚破綻モノが多いのはご愛嬌w 人生いろいろありますからね。

■ Indecent Proposal (1993)

# English and Japanese titles are completely different!

■ The Last Station (2009)

I've never thought Leo Tolstoy was a charming person and lived such life. I ordered his " War and Peace". I wonder I can complete reading it or not. I've never finished Russian novels ;-)

戦争と平和(一) (新潮文庫)

戦争と平和(一) (新潮文庫)

# I think it's a good idea to post an blog entry visually and write its text basically in English.