RoR: Integrating Devise and OmniAuth / Devise と OmniAuth で認証実現 (オリジナルドキュメントのススメw)

To implement login with an original account, facebook account, and Twitter account for my RoR web app, I decided to use Devise and OmniAuth.

At first, I neglected to read original documents on github and followed brief blog entries ... then encountered many errors.

I recommend you to read following documents even they look complicated. More haste, less speed ;)

To customize Divise setting, the following posts on asceecast was helpful:

I made a bare app :) You can pull it from github:

GitHub - akipponn/RoR-bare-app-with-auth-using-Devise-2.0-and-OmniAuth-1.1.0: A RoR bare app with auth using Devise 2.0 and OmniAuth 1.1.0

Happy coding!

# I'll integrate Devise to a system which supports OmniAuth already and write a blog post about it later :)

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