Books of the year 2011 - facebook, WikiLeaks, Jobs and Math + Crochet!

I usually write this entry in the end of year but I was staying at Diu a beautiful beach for new year holidays in India. There are almost no internet connection. I did internet fasting for 4 days ... :D

OK, let's start!

フェイスブック 若き天才の野望 (5億人をつなぐソーシャルネットワークはこう生まれた)

フェイスブック 若き天才の野望 (5億人をつなぐソーシャルネットワークはこう生まれた)

I like Mark Zuckerber's way of thought that he likes apps such as causes by Sean Parker but doesn't likes just fun apps without concept or beliefe.



Journalists of der Spiegel did a great job. Japanese translation was also nice. An exciting book.

ウィキリークス WikiLeaks  アサンジの戦争

ウィキリークス WikiLeaks アサンジの戦争

  • 作者: 『ガーディアン』特命取材チーム,デヴィッド・リー,ルーク・ハーディング,月沢李歌子,島田楓子
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社
  • 発売日: 2011/02/15
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 2人 クリック: 409回
  • この商品を含むブログ (28件) を見る

You can obtain an idea of "data journalism". I like the idea and fits for my skill set (column writing & programing). I want to apply for Knight News Challenge in the future :D

Inside WikiLeaks: Meine Zeit bei der gefaehrlichsten Website der Welt

Inside WikiLeaks: Meine Zeit bei der gefaehrlichsten Website der Welt

This book was written by a German hacker Daniel Domscheit-Berg. He was ex No2 of WikiLeaks. I learned a lot such as their favorite technologies, how they keep the data, what kind of books are popular among hackers. Moreover, I enjoyed reading their adventure which took place on all over the world. I hope the author was back to his happy life after WikiLeaks.

German and English (England) journalists, hackers did great job related to WikiLeaks (Of course Australian head also did). I think this is part of the reason why I didn't choose US for the place of my oversea research last year. Diversity +++

スティーブ・ジョブズ I

スティーブ・ジョブズ I

I was in Vienna to join a startup meetup on the day Steve Jobs passed away. I escaped from the meetup and cried at a park. I know he was a trouble some person but somehow one of my heroes. I'm not an apple savvy person though. His thought made a lot of influence on me.

Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes

Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes
Math, crochet, sculpture, plants etc! Super cool book.

Happy reading :D