
JS Libraries for Relation Graph Visualization / 関連グラフ可視化のためのJSライブラリを3つ

I was talking with my friend about JavaScript libraries for relation graph visualization today. At first we couldn't find libraries well so I suggested him to write a program with Box2D JS ... It might be possible by representing a node wi…

Chrome Extension 開発: executeScript で呼び出す Javascript にデータを渡すには?

ひょんなことからドイツの carrotshop という活動のお手伝いがてら、Chrome の拡張を書いています(かわいいよ! もうじきリリース)。で、chrome.tabs.executeScript で呼び出す Javascript にデータを渡すにはどうしたもんだろうと調べるも日本語のポストがあ…

release: Words for Life - Send beautiful words to your dearest people

Since I realized that exchanging beautiful words is one of the most wonderful activities in human life, I started to write a web application "Words for Life" using box2dweb which is a js library I wanted to use. I know there are many thing…